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Imagine Life hands you a small box and says, “Here. You deserve this.”

Episode Notes
“Chop wood. Carry water.” The first time I heard this phrase was from Coach Phil Jackson In his book, “11 Rings.” Although the players he coached were legendary (MJ, Kobe, Shaq), it always centered around the basics. Chop wood. Carry water. Basic fundamentals lead to mastery.

This week we’re reading out of Joshua Medcalf’s book “Chop Wood. Carry Water.” It’s a story of a man‘s journey of becoming a samurai warrior.

We pick up where a man, after 30 years of building some of the finest houses in the land, he’s asked to build one more.

Reluctantly he agrees, but his heart wasn’t in it.

“Here you deserve it,” will be the words you’ll hear from Life. What it’s made of, is up to you.

Connect to Joshua Medcalf on Twitter @JoshuaMedcalf.

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