Welcome to the "What's Your Problem?" Community!

First you have to SUCK

“I hate calling customers...” my salesperson told me, “because I got rejected once by the customers (when they were here), so I can’t stomach the rejection to hear that they bought somewhere else when I follow up...”

So he told himself No instead.

🔥I’d rather hear a No than assume a No.
How many times have you told yourself No instead of hearing a No from others? 🙋‍♂️

He also avoided making calls because he was afraid that he would not know what to say when he faced resistance. He didn’t struggle when he was face to face, but he feared when it was only voice to voice.

The difference between average and excellence is leaning into the thing that you fear the most. For him it was the phone, but for you it could be asking difficult questions, or asking for the sale.

💪You’ve got to suck before you succeed. You’ve got to go from bad to worse to get better in order to be the best.

Everything you want in life is on the other side of FEAR.

Stay persistent. Stay amazing. Stay in The Sales Life 💪