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July 31, 2023

From "Nice to Know You" to "Need to Know You": A Key to Success

Today, we will delve into the value creation world in the highly competitive marketplace. 

The pressing question isn't "Do your customers know you?" but, more importantly, "Do they need to know you and why?"

In this dynamic market, being a friendly face or a pleasant contact is not enough. It's about evolving into an indispensable,  go-to individual who offers unique solutions and advantages to your customers. We'll explore the subtle line between being "nice to know" and "need to know" and how crossing this line could be the key to unlocking unprecedented success for you and your business.

The Importance of "Need to Know You"

Are you stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of unproductivity? If it feels like nothing's happening, it's likely because you're just a "nice to know you" in the marketplace. But why do customers need to know you? 


And how can you become top of mind, a pro that blurs everyone else in the background?

Your goal is to transition from "nice to know you"  to "need to know you" and, in the process, redefine your value propositions in how customers perceive you. This involves creating unique solutions that solve problems or offer a distinct edge. If your customers are unaware of the benefits you're providing, it's simply nice to know you.  However, if you can offer them an advantage or solve a problem, then you become someone they need to know.

Building Value over Price

Too often, people make it all about the price, racing to the bottom line, increasing the risk, and undervaluing their offer. Remember that price is irrelevant once you establish yourself as a "need to know you" person. At this point, you'll likely find your price is too low, and you probably need to double or triple your offer.

The secret is in building value, not fixating on the price.


The sale will always be difficult if the perceived risk is high and the value is low.

So focus on providing unique solutions and advantages that only you can provide.

Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs

Many of us are haunted by our self-limiting beliefs, reflecting those insecurities onto our customers. Your customers can sense that lack of confidence, which leads to lower offers and less satisfaction. Overcoming this is a matter of emphasizing your unique solutions and advantages in every interaction.

Questions to Reflect On

Here are a few self-reflective questions to ponder on:

1. What unique solution or advantage will you provide to make you a "need to know" individual in your field? Why do they need to know you?

2. How am I demonstrating this unique value proposition to the marketplace? Am I clearly communicating this in my messaging and actions, or am I just a "nice to know you" kind of person?

3. Am I focusing too much on the price of my services rather than the value that I provide? How can I shift this focus?

Ultimately, it's all about showcasing the unique solutions and advantages that only you can offer. Once you create that need, your customers will be willing to pay you for your services, and it'll be a rewarding experience for both you and them.

You can check out this post's full episode (#781) on The Marsh Buice Podcast. 

Remember, keep it simple, keep it moving, never settle, and stay amazing.
