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Feb. 6, 2024

812.The Power of Reaching a Point of No Return in Personal Transformation

812.The Power of Reaching a Point of No Return in Personal Transformation

In this episode, dive deep into the transformative journey of reaching your point of no return. Discover how embracing change and pushing beyond your comfort zone can lead to profound personal growth and resilience. Here's what you'll gain by tuning in:

  • Insight into the Initial Steps of Change: Understand the significance of taking the first steps toward change and why venturing far from the "shore" of your old life is crucial.
  • The Shift from Dread to Dedication: Learn how the initial dread of leaving your comfort zone can transform into a dedication to your new path, fueling your journey forward.
  • Focus on Effort Over Outcomes: Discover the importance of focusing on your effort each day rather than being fixated on the immediate results and how this mindset shift can propel you toward your goals.
  • Strategies to Overcome Challenges: Gain strategies for overcoming the inevitable challenges that arise on your path to transformation, and learn how to use these obstacles as stepping stones to greater resilience.
  • The Compound Effect of Consistency: Explore the power of consistency and how small, daily actions can compound over time into significant progress, leading to a tipping point in your journey.
  • Embracing the Point of No Return: Understand what it means to reach the point of no return in your personal transformation journey, where turning back is no longer an option, and how this commitment can drive you to new heights.
  • Investment in Yourself: Learn how reaching your point of no return is an investment in yourself, fostering a deeper belief in your ability to change, grow, and achieve your dreams.

By the end of this episode, you'll be inspired to embark on your own journey of change, armed with the knowledge and motivation to push through to your point of no return and beyond. Get ready to transform your life, one step at a time.

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All right. 3, 2, 1. Let's get it. When you're first initiating change and whatever that change be, let's just use, for example, working out. You have to get to a point of no return. See the point of no return. Is both physical. And a psychological effect. That you get to these places where you've gone too far. To turn back. Initially starting out. You're not that far away from shore and shore being your old life. So it's easy. To turn back. It's easy to revert back. But once you get. too far out there and you get to a place of a point of no return. You're so far out there. That you just say, fuck it. I might as well keep going. It's too far to turn back. That's the place, man. You got to get to. Instead of being results-driven. You become distance oriented. And you shift from a place of dread. To a place, a dedication. See, when you first start out, it's that dread right? Your your, your old self, your old ways. It literally weigh you down. And so when you're first starting out, it's just a place of dread. But. As you consistently just keep showing up, kicking and screaming. Mind you. But this dread. Morphs into this place of dedication. And the dedication. Becomes newfound discoveries. You wake up. Curious. You do things. Creatively. And. You began to mentally see things. You began to mentally see a difference. You begin to mentally see the change. Even though physically, you can't see it yet. This is where you're chasing the effort. hopeful of the results. Just got to chase the effort. And so chasing that effort means that you just play games with yourself. You just try to one up yourself, you get your mind off of. The. You know, how much longer is this going to be? You're not even worried about that. You're just, you're putting in reps, you're creating distance and you're getting further away from who you once were. And you get into this point of no return. And your mind shifts from this. If. I wonder if I'm ever gonna make it. To when and when. Is until that's your timeframe? Until you just, you just cranking them out, man. You just putting them in. And this is why I preach on a process three to five step process. So all I'm doing is I'm just putting in the reps every single day and I'm just creating this micro distance. Just couple of legs, man, every single day, man, I'm creating this small distances. But left alone to one day. Doesn't seem like you did much, but when you continuously do this after 90, 120. 365 days. It compounds, it reaches this tipping point. And things began to just compound for you. So when you're putting this thing in. And you shift from this victim hood of if. If I'm gonna make it. And you shift to this. When are. I'm not quite sure when, but I'm gonna get there that when is that? Get there kind of shift, man. It's not. Oh, well on December 2nd, I'm going to be no, it's just when, how much longer until. That's the thing, man, that I had to keep telling myself, like, fuck man, it seems like the results aren't coming. When is this going to happen until that's why I just kept responding to myself. So you get to these places. And when you get to this point of no return when you start sliding into this, you always feel like that you're just 30 days away from that breakthrough. You just feel like that I'm telling you at the end of the month. Things are going to change. And when you get to the end of the month, And things don't change. You don't throw your hands up and quit you're at this point of no return you've put in so much distance that you just renewed the contract and you just say, fuck it, man. I'm going to go another 30 days from here. Now, I'm not saying, man, it's going to be. All rainbows, blow pops and unicorns. You're going to have these smack the wall moments. And you're going to be so full of hopes and dreams. Starting out. And then just smack the wall. Life gets in the way. Things pop up. You get injured, you get sick. Whatever things, just try to derail you. Something in your personal life, just totally crumbles. or your professional life, something just hit you out of nowhere. Or you run out of money. or you plateau? I mean, dude, just all kinds of things. We all can relate. We're all nodding our heads on this. This is where the point of no return really shined for you. Because you want to give up. But because you've gone too far. You too far to turn back. So the only way. Is forward. And you, you go into this. Sleeve roll up mode. You know, that sleeve roll-up mode. You, you see him on the movies, man. There. They're starting to roll up their sleeves because they're about to get in a fight. That's what you do, man. Metaphorically. You have this sleeve roll up mode. When you get into this point of no return and you start. Even if you don't have sleeves on you start rolling this up and you approach your day, like, all right, motherfucker. I'm back. You through everything you could at me yesterday, you through everything you could for the week, you through everything that you could for the month. And you just roll up the sleeves, man. And doing so. Your commitment gets stronger. And you get that resolve. You build that resilience. You may be in tears. Others may have given up on you and told you to turn back and try another time. You're the crazy one. You just keep going. This is where man, that curiosity and that creativity just break open because you're no longer living in statements. The shore. The old way, the old you back there. That's where you lived in statements. This is where you felt like your life was over. But now dude, you're in this point of no return and you're on this a little bitty innertube you don't when you have a raft. And the waves are, are just pounding. You. And you're just, you're hitting these waves. You may fall off your boat, man. Yet you keep getting back on there. And, and no one is there with you. You get curious. You get creative. When you lack resources, you become resourceful. You don't sit around and park and say, oh, if only I had extra hours, if I had somebody to help watch my kids, if I had to make sure right now, you just, your lack is leverage man. And you just, you, you dig your fingernails into these cracks and crevices of your life. And you're just like, ah, come on, motherfucker. And you just, you dig down into this. Th th this new gear you just in a constant state of iteration, man. Where? Yes. There are these voices that sometimes are small and sometimes they're super loud. And they're telling you to quit. Life throws things and tries to derail you knocks you off your process. And you just find the gaps and the gaps are, I didn't get it done at this set time. Like I normally do yet. You don't give up. You just find these little cracks and crevices, these little gaps of time. May not be ideal. But it's an opportunity. And you just, you check the box, you knock it out. You work your process. This is that kind of shift that I'm talking about. Whether you're trying to get back in shape. Or you got into a new job like sales. Are you, you may have pushed off and got into your own business. Telling you, man, you have to create distance. Between where you start. And where you are. And you got to just put in the distance. So when you're first starting out, dude, it's real easy to turn back. It's really easy to revert back. It's real easy to justify why today's not the day, why the time is just not right. But you need time in. It ain't timing, just putting in the distance. And that means, man, where you just, you just keep putting it in. And every day, you're just creating a little bit more distance from the old you. And you just forge ahead. And there is no set time. Let me tell you this. I wish I could tell you if you'll do this for 37 days. You're going to reach your point of no return. Everybody's point of no return is all different. It is, there is no set time. It's very sacred. It's very unique. It's intimate. Because it requires. Just you. And you putting in. The work, just a few things. Every single day, the days you don't feel like showing up yet you do the days when life just knocks you off track, yet you still get it in. And it's these things, man, where. I get emotional about this man, because I know what that's like. And you just you're the crazy one. Literally people are like, why are you doing this? What are you doing? Because you see something different. Others may have given up on you. Others may have turned back not everybody's going to be able to finish this journey with you. Life throws everything it possibly can. And you fall down. Yeah, you get back up. There are days, man, that you want to quit. And you say. I'm a quit tomorrow. That's powerful. I'm a quit tomorrow. And you just go to bed. And you wake up the next day. A little bit renewed. Or maybe while you were sleeping. Something popped into your head, something you were struggling with. Just hit the wall. I just couldn't figure it out. And because your mind relaxed and because you said I'll quit tomorrow, you wake up renewed. And say. Let me go another day. This is the point of no return you just putting the time in you, don't worry about the timing. When it changes is not up to you, what you do. To create the environment for when things change. That is totally up to you. You just invest in you the point of no return. That is exactly what it is. It's an investment in you. When you get to that. You're not looking for external validation. You're no longer looking for. Situations to be just perfect life to be in perfect alignment. If this happens, then I'll be perfect. No, you don't even let you don't depend on anything else anymore. The point in overturn is where you're just investing in. You. And even if. The results. Aren't what you initially. Planned for. It's better. Than what you expected. It may take an, a total about face. I mean, tell me this. When you were 10, if you can think back that far when you were 10 and the age that you are now. Is your life exactly as you plan. Fuck. No, man. It's all different proof positive. So why are you so rigid? And it's gotta look like this. Just put your process in, do your thing. Stay in alignment. With a better, you. And put some distance in. Micro distances every day. Done repeatedly. We'll get you. A long way. It'll compound it'll reach this tipping point. We're initially it's a 50 to one you're putting in 50 times the work. And you're getting like one up a blip of hope. I mean, it's not even a result. It's just like, maybe. But I'm telling you, you create this distance. You get into this point of no return. And that distance. At 50 to one goes to 40 to one. It goes to 20 to one. Goes to 10 to one. Everything flips. You've leveraged so well. This is that point of no return where everything cascades right. 50 to one 40 to one. 30 to one 20 to one, 10 to one, one to five, one to 10, one to 21 to 40. And you get, you do one thing and you get 40 times the results. It magnifies it. Compounds. That's what happens, happens in money and happens in your own life. You're the money. So I'm telling you, man, you put this distance in. You create this point of no return. You're going to build new connections. Deeper well, of knowledge. A better, deeper belief in yourself, you know, yourself, you know how many times you've given up. You know how many times you set all of these plans in place and fucking just pulled up the minute things got hard, the minute things just knocked you off track just gave you a reason. Not anymore, man. You get to this point of no return you got a new commitment. And this is what creates a new life. And this my friend. Is how you guys become unstoppable. Because you earned it. Keep going. Keep rowing. Keep it simple. Never settle. Stay tough. Peace.