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Nov. 2, 2023

797. Are You A Brick Or A Sponge? | Curiosity is your superpower.

797. Are You A Brick Or A Sponge? | Curiosity is your superpower.

Riffing out of Arnold Schwarzenegger's new book, "Be Useful," how his "curiosity" has become his (& your) superpower.

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All right. 3, 2, 1. Let's get it. Welcome to another edition of the marsh buys podcast. I am. You man. March by. So I'm so happy that you were back here for another episode. And if you stumbled across this podcast, well, welcome. We got room for you. We are number three podcasts. Now the top 3% podcasts in the world on our way to becoming the top 100. Podcasts in the world. I'm speaking that man. Then we're going to just keep slice in that pie. Until we're all number one on that, because I believe the message is so simple, man. There are six daily checkpoints that you got to go through every day. Four to six. It's a process. So our process. And five skills that you already have. Those skills are communication, curiosity, creativity, continuous learning, and action and productive confrontation. You leveraged those five skills every single day, which is how I'll unpack this episode. Then I'm so happy to bring with you, but you'll be RFA. You'll be ready for anything. And that, because there are three things that we all face in life every single day. Uncertainty. Complacency and adversity. And how you handle those things and what you do with them. It's going to determine your success. So on here, this is what we talk about, how to handle adversity, how to embrace uncertainty, because there's a lot of unknown out there. Go back and listen to what is that? 7 94. Treating the unknown is your friend from the, a great book. The book of Charlie. Um, And that, you know, that's what we talked about, but today, man, I just finished, uh, shorts, sneakers. Um, New book, be useful. Gray book. And chapter six. Was the title. I love the title is so Arnold. Shut your mouth. Shut your mouth. And open your mind. Shut your mouth and open your mind. How often are we the other way around? If we shut our minds? And we open our mouth, man. All we want to do is we want to talk. We want to feel the open space. We want to tell people what they should do with their lives. Yet we don't heat it ourselves. Are we think we know it all. We think that we cast judgment on someone. And we, we, we just discredit what they're saying, because they don't have the same experience. They don't have the same walk. And so I don't have to listen to you. And the key component. That is become a super power. For Schwartzenegger. Is the power of curiosity. Oh, and you know, it falls right into my wheelhouse of communication. Curiosity. Creativity, continuous learning and action, productive confrontation. Those are the five skills. Those are the things that I rock off with every single day. And those are the things that you got to do better. So obviously, When I come across this passage. That curiosity is a superpower and you've look at, and you've listened to. And you read about. How he. Came to this country and what he's become my God. All through the power of curiosity. Schwartzenegger rights. Curiosity. It was my superpower. And he was always asking. How and why questions? Always asking how my questions to gain a better understanding. Of the reason people do what they do. So for instance, Like when he was. In the gym and he was, I don't know what it was. Six, seven time Mr. Olympia. So he's in the gym and he would see someone doing. Uh, weird exercise. I mean, you know, using like really, really lightweight. And, you know, just wasn't conducive. And he was like, here's this big guy using these teeny tiny little dumbbells. Instead of casting judgment. Our resting on his accolades that I'm I'm Mr. Olympia. Instead of casting judgment on that. Yes. Why do you do that? What muscles is it hitting? And he would keep asking questions until he got a really good understanding. And if it made sense to him, He incorporated that. Into his workout regimen, which are like five-hour legendary workout routines. He did the same thing when he was governor of California. California. Hi, Becky. He really annunciate. Gaddy. California. Uh, so he took that same practice. He followed his curiosity when he got in to office. He wasn't big on. Uh, you know, who, what party you were affiliated with? No, he put the best person in the spot and if they fit. And they could work things out then. Fine. Um, But he followed his curiosity, man. He would bring people in from all walks of life. And get a better understanding. Of what they did and why they did it. How and why questions? And he did this, not only to get a better understanding of what they were dealing with and the struggles they were dealing with, but also how could he not only improve. Their lives. Uh, they're ways of doing things in business, but also increase the efficiencies. Of that position. And also in government and cut out some of the waste. And really just streamline it where you're not throwing a bunch of money. Into the wind you're channeling that money into something that is better. For the people that he brought into the office. And, you know, this is, this is what he did. You know, what's crazy is, you know, in reading his book, he's met every us president since Lyndon Johnson. Due to how incredible is that? And he said, fame is what got me in the door. But I developed a relationship with them. Because. I was curious. I wouldn't all struck because they were a sitting us president. I wanted to learn. The struggles they were dealing with. I wanted to seek their advice. I wanted to see how they deal and do things I wanted to learn from their experiences. And because of his power of curiosity. Well, that just makes you magnetic when you're interested in what someone is. Doing and how they do it and why, and you're not trying to override them with, well, you should do it. No unprovoked advice. I say. But you're just, you're getting a better understanding. Dude, how magnetic does that make you? Schwarzenegger says people are resources. If you soak up what they're saying. That's important, man. People are resources. If you soak up. What they're saying, but you can't soak it up. If your mind is, if your mind is shut in, your mouth is moving. You got to shut your mouth. And open your mind. Schwarzenegger says the key, the two key ingredients. To becoming more curious. Our patients. And humility. Kind of, to kind of think about that. It's hard to be curious. When you lack patience. And when you lack humility. It's pretty much impossible. So the two ingredients you need. His patients. You create some bandwidth. Some room something, man, I've been struggling with, you know, I'm always onto the next thing I was telling my wife this the other day, I'm always onto the next thing. And I missed the moment. And because I missed those moments. I lack the curiosity. I don't, I don't ask questions. I don't soak in what's going on around me. And many times a lack, the humility. Because I'm judgemental. Let me just give you the answer and let me move on. And to a Schwarzenegger's credit. He practiced patients. He was in the moment. He. Created the bandwidth, the space. And he suspended judgment. And not be a know it all. I've got all this experience. I've done all these things. I've met all these people. No. He was brand new. I had a guy I was talking to yesterday and when I was explaining some different things, some different products, he said, marsh, Talk to me, like I'm a child. So that way I can get an understanding. And so I just, we kept breaking it down, drilling it down, drilling it down until he got an understanding, same thing. See, that guy was curious. He didn't just say no. He ended up buying it by the way. He didn't just say no. Okay. He actually said, Hey, Mars, break this down until I get a better understanding the same thing. All know, did. He just. Keep explaining it. Keep asking questions. Keep on tying the night. Not superficial. Oh, that's nice. No. Used his curiosity, his creativity. Is continuous learning. Is communication. See, all this stuff wraps in the one. And he talked and he talked and he talked to get a better understanding and use confrontation and office. He didn't just say, well, you know, This is the budget we have for government, and this is what you're going to have. No, he brought people in. He sat down, he got a better understanding of what they were dealing with. And, and then. Tried to find some sort of. Compromise. Or some sort of way of doing things better. Curiosity. He always looked for something he could use. I think that's what the most successful people do. They leverage their curiosity. And they just become, they just gather nuggets of information. Nuggets of knowledge from all walks of life. And so he was always. Using. His interaction with people. And figuring out how he could use it. It's almost like a comedian's approach. A comedian's approach is everything is material. It's the same thing, man. When we walked through life. And we leveraged the power of curiosity. You're just, you're just leveraging that material, man. And, and you're just getting and gaining more information and material. And dude, you're just applying it. And saying. What about this? Could I use. Curiosity is free. And it's priceless. Curiosity is free and it's priceless. It's free to use immediately. There's no nothing. I got to teach you on this podcast for you to use curiosity. Just be patient and, and, and, uh, humble. That's it. Follow your curiosity. Suspend your judgment. It's free. Curiosity is free. But it's priceless. In where it'll take you. And the opportunities that it creates. And the expansion of your life and the beauty. And the vividness and the color. See, this is why I think people are depressed. I really do. Is that I was reading this and really thinking about this message that I was going to bring to you. I said, do that makes sense? That's why people are depressed. It's because they lack curiosity. They're making judgments, they're making statements. How many statements do you walk around making every day? How many statements. Do you rebut with when somebody comes. And says something you say, ah, I do it all the time. My a. They're not open on Sunday. My wife will be like, you sure about that. No, I just made an assumption. She calls it Vierra calls at my old man days. My old man judgements. So dude, the message I bring in to you about the curiosity, as much as I love to say, I'm curious, I am in certain areas, but there are other areas, dude. I have zero curiosity. And I just walk around making some damn statements. And that is, I believe. Actually I know. Y I've been frustrated as of lately. Lost my curiosity. I'm not asking how and why. Questions. I'm just making assumptions, making judgements. Schwartzenegger back to the boat. Schwartzenegger rights. First thing, this is important. The first thing. That dies is a person's curiosity. When they believe that the world. Is what it is. And that's all there is. He continues on there's something. There are some things that you cannot change. But there are other things that you can change. Through the power of curiosity. And if you use that curiosity. And that new found knowledge. You can use it to craft, love that word to craft. A new vision for yourself. This is power reframing. Right. Treating the unknown as your friends, suspending your judgment. Stuff, man. We've been talking about lately. 7 94, 7 95, 7 96. So what we're talking about, man. He continues on. Anyone can make their fate. And fate F a T E fate is your future. It's what it is. That's what fate is. So he writes anyone can make their fate. So much so. That the unchangeable. Becomes irrelevant. Highly low, you slapped the Bible. See. Back to let's back up his words. There are some things you cannot change. There are other things that you can change. And through the power of curiosity, you can change those things. And use that newfound knowledge to craft a new future for yourself. And you do it so much. So you leverage that curiosity so much. So. That whatever is unchangeable. It's irrelevant. You don't even have time to even talk about it or even think about it. Told a good friend of mine the other day. Like man, people just coming at me as. Good. I said the problem is you're good means you're doing something. The problem is. Your word. That they're worried about you. You've got to be so busy. And doing so many things that are in alignment with your future. And you don't have time to even, I wasn't even thinking about them. I don't even have time for them. Right. That's what he's, that's what Schwarzenegger's talking about. Some things are changeable. Other things are not. The things that are changeable, use your curiosity. Be patient. Be humble. Suspend your judgment. And whatever is not. Unchangeable becomes irrelevant. And you didn't let it become an excuse. To why you can't succeed. Did we can just stop right there, but I got a little bit more. Schwarzenegger writes. After your curiosity dies that sponge, that is your mind. I see when it, when the sponge lacks moisture, the flexibility becomes a brittle brick and when it becomes a brittle brick is so fragile. That when. Difficult circumstances com. Uncertainty adversity, Slappy in the mouth. You just. Crumble like a brick. Instead of saying flexible, leveraging your power of curiosity. You may be fearful, stay curious. You can't be fearful and curious at the same time. So when you feel that fear creeping in. Push to curiosity, how, why. Am I making statements. Am I being a sponge right now? Or am I being a brick? That's what you got to ask yourself. Like, if you like right now, Paul's. And say. Is today. Am I a sponger or a brick? Am I flexible. And what I'm thinking about, or am I just bricked up, man? All I'm doing is making a bunch of statements. Cast and a bunch of judgment and ain't got time for nobody. And I'm frustrated and you're pissed off. It's why you're not curious. The reason why you're not curious because you're not patient. And you're not humble. So you've become fragile. You're not asking how I'm, why. You think, you know, it all. You leveraging all your experience. You can't tell me nothing. That's what's happening. It's why you've lost your curiosity. This is where you've lost your zeal for life. This is where, oh my God. Another year's gone. This year sucked ass. It won't. If you're curious, just stay curious, man. I actually have a post-it note on my desk. They curious. So, this is a challenge for me this week. Like I said, I ain't talking to you. I'm talking to me. So because I find myself making assumptions, I find myself casting judgment. I find myself frustrated that things aren't happening fast enough. Not curious. Not just following the thread, the simple six simple things. Follow your process. They end alignment. Everything's going to impact the way it needs to focus on the things that you can change. And be so curious. That I can make the unchangeable. Irrelevant. So the way that I'll do that. Is taking the assessment. Every day. In what ways? Did I practice the five CS. Did I communicate? What was the language I was using to myself. How did I communicate with others? Was I curious? Did I ask how and why questions was that creative? In what ways was I creative today? When I lacked the resources, what did I use to become resourceful? R D I just throw my hands up. In making a statement, lacking the curiosity saying, well, if only I was, if I was the no. What did I learn new today? That didn't know before. What did I confront? See, all this wraps into curiosity, man. It all wraps together. So what's beautiful about this. It's also organic. Just things we get away from. Little head fake in life. And we feel like that. You know, this is it. This is what it is right now. But, so if things aren't really working for you, man, Then stretch out your time horizon. Stretch it out a little bit. You just focused is too short. You got to play this thing out. Follow your curiosity. As Cal and why. Right down. In what ways? Was I did I use communication, curiosity, creativity, continuous learning, and action, productive confrontation. What ways did I use those today? Or this week, whatever works for you. So doing this not only keeps me centered, but it keeps me awake. Keeps me curious. And I really venture to say. It's a big piece. Of happiness. Because everything's brand new. It's kind of like my dog St. Bless his heart. It's so simple in life, man. I can go to the gas station. In five minutes later, there's a gas station right next to where I live. I come back five minutes later. It's like, he hadn't seen me in five years. I mean, he's like, oh my God. That's how he is, man. And I look at him and when you look at him, he just, his tail way. He just happy, man. And I'm like, I want a dog's life. Good news is I have a dog's life, man. But it starts with curiosity. Chase that curiosity, chase the curiosity. I saw this, this passage in the book and said, what does it mean to me? And once I had an understanding what it means to me, that's why I bring it to you. All right. Let's get outta here. Remember, keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay curious. Thanks for sharing today's episode. If you could help get the word out, share this with someone else. Like I said, we're on, we're on a quest to be the top 100 podcasts in the world, because I believe in the message. I believe this message will help someone else as well as helped me and you as well. If I can do anything for you, marsh bice.com. M a R S H B U I C E. Right. There is the mothership where you'll find all of the episodes. And in the bottom right-hand side is a Mike from you to me. Let me know what's going on in your world and how I can help. I'm no hair, but I'm all ears. All right. With that. Peace.