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Oct. 16, 2023

793. Just take the step.

793. Just take the step.

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Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. 


You know, I open up every morning. I open up my legal pad and I try to write one page every single day. And oftentimes it's way more than that. But I open up my legal pad this morning. Blank sheet of paper. And something told me to go back. To yesterday and I flipped back the page. And I have written on the page. Just take a step. And. You know, I started thinking about that. This morning. And I was like, That's exactly what I want to write about. Just take a step. And I'd forgotten. I'd even written that. Because here's what just take a step means. Whether you lack experience. Or you have experience. Both of them screw you up. If you lack experience. Because you have no history. To base the outcome on. You don't do anything. You just sit tight. And you dream up. All kinds of reasons. Y you're not quite ready. Why now is not quite the right time. But in on the flip side of that, If you have experience. Well that F's you up to. Because with the experience. You begin to judge the situation. And you feel like. I can predict the future. And because you don't believe it's going to be the right outcome. You justify it away and just say. It's not worth my time. So, what do you do? When you lack experience. Are you have experience? What am I supposed to do? Make it easy. Keep it simple. Just take a step. For two reasons. Number one. You have enough? To get started. Especially when you're new. You got plenty to get started. I know, compared to other people, it compared to what you think that you're going to need. That you got to have all these things before you get started. It's all bullshit, man. Start with free. Work toward what you need, get to what you want. See, when you start with free, you're using your resources. What you already have. And you're becoming resourceful. Instead of sitting there continuing to procrastinate. Another year. Another lifetime. Of wishing that you had all of these things compared to what other people have. Just start with what you have start there. And you're going to find that as you start the things that you thought you, that you needed to get started, you don't need them anyway, because you've learned to become resourceful using the little bit that you already had. So start with free. Get the reps in. Then work toward what you need. After many, many reps, hundreds and thousands of reps. Then. You know, I need a little, I need a few things here, but I'll need as much as I thought. And then earn what you want. That's when you really level up and you go to the next level. Dude, I did the podcast. Hundreds of episodes. Either sitting in my closet. Or sitting in my truck. With my iPhone and recorded it. No special cameras. No special microphone. No software equipment didn't have any of that. But I was tired. Of delaying. Day after day, year after year, month after month. And I was at rock bottom. So I had nothing to lose. And everything to gain. So. You have enough in the tank? To get started. Just take this down. The second thing is. Whether you have experience. Or you don't have experience. You have no idea how it's going to play out. And oftentimes. It's going to be better. Then what you could have ever imagined. Will it be smooth roads? No. Will it be blow pops, rainbows and unicorns all the time. No. But you will be fine. You will learn a lot. And it creates opportunities. That you would have never gotten. Because see opportunities aren't handed to you. They're earned. It's the. Right place at the right time. Where you got to do the right things. Many things many, many times the wrong things. You got to do a collection of things. To be. At the right place at the right time. And some of that has to do with resilience and grit and perseverance, where you show up. And you don't base your decision on what you're going to do today. Based on what the current circumstances are. This isn't the end. Unless you refer, you refuse to take the turn. Just. There's a bend in the road. There's a corner coming. Take the corner. Keep going. See opportunities or not opportunities. If everybody sees them. They're not they're exclusive. Only for those who are willing to push through the messy middle. So whatever happens, number one. You're going to be okay. Number two. Make the adjustments. And keep going. No matter what. And sometimes man. You're going to have to fail. Oftentimes most times, not even sometimes, most times. You're going to have to fail. In order to get it right. You will. Because sometimes what you have to do is you have to fail. Way down the road. To improve your efficiencies. To realize the pluses and minuses, some things that you need to add. Sometimes some things need to be taken away. And so you have to go in these different directions and sometimes it seems way out of the way. But it was it wasn't wasted. You had to get to there. In order to get to here. And it may be a decade later before you realize it. But you will. Ultimately realize it two powerful mindsets to have in your life. Or eventually. And ultimately. Eventually good are bad. Eventually things. Are going to catch up. You put in bad work, eventually it's going to catch up with you. You're doing bad things. Eventually it's going to catch up with you. But if you're doing the right things, Working a process. Not getting weighed down with the circumstances. Eventually, it's going to catch up with you. And ultimately. You'll succeed. R, if you're doing the wrong things. Ultimately. You will fail. Here's the way you got to look at it, man. No baby. No parent. No athlete. No employee. Ever got it right the first time. Nobody did. So you're in great company. So stop trying to stick the landing. Stop trying to get a perfect 10. On your first. 10. 15. 100 go around. Just take the step. And today. Is the only step that you have to take you take today's step. You zero it out the next day. And then you take another step. It's all evolving. It's all iteration. It's not a carbon copy from the day before it may feel like it. It may seem like it, but it's not, there are micro improvements that are happening and sometimes just because you can't see change doesn't mean change isn't happening. So sometimes in the. You're in the results. You're like, dude, this is still not coming together for me. I don't understand. Keep at it. Just take today's step. And you do that over and over again. Eventually, and ultimately that's going to happen for you. Failing. Is a process. It is. What would you do if failure, wasn't an option. You hear everybody that posts that and put these memes up and all that. Failure. Isn't an option. Failing is the only option. And let me explain. Failure is a mindset. Failing. Is a process. And you have to continuously fail. You've got to be failing. So that way you never become a failure. This is how. And the only way. You can notch up experience. The only way you're going to get experience is not by reading anything. You can. Get some. Circumstantial substantial evidence. You can read about. How other people handled it. Which your situation's going to be different. You can familiarize yourself with it. But the only way you're truly going to get it. As you got to experience. Real scenarios. Multiple in numerous situations. And you become. Firsthand familiar. See there's familiarity of something. But then there's the first-hand familiarity where you've experienced your true. Yourself. I can read about how to fly a plane. But until I get behind the throttle. And the paddles. And get into some storms. I don't know how to fly it. Nor land landed nor handle it. In adverse situations. You got to have the experience, man. You got to take the step, just take today's step. And when you do that. You're going to notch these experiences. And so when you get situations that seem like they're brand new, it may be. It may be something, dude, I've been selling for 25 years. There are still new situations that I walk into, but because I've have 25 years. Of experience. Hundreds and thousands of situations in days. That I've notched in. That I've invested. Then I continue to show up, even when I didn't want to. That I can leverage. That familiarity brand new situation, but I can leverage my experience. And maneuver. In this new situation. That's why you got to take the step over and over again. This is why you got to get your nails dirty. You got to get dirt underneath your nails, man. You got to get to these points where you want to quit. If you're not willing to quit. Yet you don't. He pushing hard enough. So you just got to continue on, man. And, and, and when you get discouraged, when you feel like you're just in the shitter, You remind yourself, man. It's a process. It's not personal. So you got to embrace it. Embrace it. Does it mean that you're going to like it the whole time? But embrace that. It's going to be hard. I don't add any extra narrative to it. You don't understand? No, just embrace it. And roll with it. It's hard. But it's necessary. Look. If your knee is shredded. You wouldn't and you're this multimillion L athlete. That makes a living. Using his body. If the doctor says, Hey, dude. Your knee is shredded. You're going to have to have surgery. You may not like the surgery. But you do it. Because it's necessary.'cause you know, on the other side. It all links together. And I can continue my career. It's the same thing for you, man. And sometimes just taking this step. And the outcome. It hurts. It stings. But it's a little bit like day surgery. A little discomfort that day, but you're good. The next day. And sometimes man. It's total rehab. Total reconstruction. And you got to rehab and he got to go through the pain. But you're gonna be just fine. That's ultimately what it all. Equates to man. Nothing will ever substitute in your life. Until you have no one. Or nothing. To depend on. And you got to FIO. You got to figure it out yourself. So just. Take a minute. And imagine. The stress. That you build up. Premeditating. On an outcome. That you have no idea how it's going to play out, whether you have experienced or don't. All this cognitive stress, all this emotional currency that you're dumping into something. And have no clue. And refuse to take a step. Just take a step. Imagine the stress. That you hold.'cause you're sitting there wondering how your life. It is kind of. Work out. If it's ever going to get better for you. You'll never know. If you don't take the step. Just today. Take the step and tomorrow here's a prediction. Take this up. That's what you gotta do. Imagine. The thousands. Thousands. Of dollars. An interest. That you've accrued on your credit cards. Because. Of booze and food. Because you were so stressed out. You placated your emotions. By drinking and eating so much. Where you were just numb. To feeling anything. And so lethargic. You just went to bed. And hoped it was all a bad dream only to wake up the next day. And it's still. The same nightmare. The thing I'm going to leave you with man. Is whether you lack experience. Or you have experience. Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Just take the step. Thanks so much for being a part of the March by his podcast. Be sure and share. And recommend the show to someone else. If I can help you with anything, marshbuice.com that's M a R S H B U I C E. Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough.