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Aug. 13, 2023

783. From Worst-Case Scenarios to Best-Case Strategies: Tackling Worry Head-On

783. From Worst-Case Scenarios to Best-Case Strategies: Tackling Worry Head-On

On episode #783 of The Marsh Buice Podcast, we tackle a universal emotion that has gripped us all at some point – worry. But what if, instead of being paralyzed by our fears, we could transform them into a powerful catalyst for action?

Drawing on wisdom from Dale Carnegie, we lay out a practical, three-step guide to help you not just navigate but truly harness the energy of your concerns.

Whether you're anxious about work, relationships, or any of life's curveballs, this episode offers actionable insights to shift from trepidation to triumph. Dive in to learn how to convert your worst-case scenarios into best-case strategies. Don't just face your fears; master them.

Welcome to the Marsh Buice  Podcast, where we equip you with the number one life skill, mastering the art of selling your way through life. 

Here we emphasize communication, curiosity, C, creativity, continuous learning, and action. And productive confrontation. That way, you can handle adversity, and embrace uncertainty,  all while combating complacency.

So no matter what comes your way, you're always RFA: Ready For Anything.  

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Alright, let's get it. Welcome to another episode of the Marsh Bias Podcast. I am him, I'm your host, marsh B. And today, man, we're gonna dive into an emotion. Uh, me and you we're all too familiar with, lemme tell you something. If you could put this on your resume, you could get any job in the world and that is worry. We're, we're super familiar with worry man, and today we're gonna look at some practical strategies. Three simple steps on how to manage it. And this comes from the wisdom of Dale Carnegie. So we're going to channel your inner Dale Carnegie and make stuff happen, man. So it's time to prime your mind. Let's strap up, strap in, get settled so you're ready to prime your mind. This is not gonna be a very long episode. Ain't much to talk about with worry Three simple step formula. So let's get it. So when it comes to worry, man, what's your strategy? Dale Carnegie in his book, how To Stop Worrying and Stop Living. What a great title. That should have just sold the title alone. If it had blank pages in the middle, the title should have sold a Gabillion copies. I didn't even know he wrote this book. You know the book that everybody talks about, how to win Friends and Influence People or others? I have it on my shelf. Shit's all yellow. I guess I gotta reread it. I've read it. Many times and just, it doesn't resonate with me as much as it resonates with some people. If it's just a profound shift in your life, Hey hoo-ha. Great for you. It just, it didn't rock with me. But this one was a good book, how to stop Worrying and Stop Living. And in it, Carnegie offers a three-step formula on how to cope with worry. He got this three step formula from old Mr. Carrier There. How he was cool. Dad joke under pressure carrier AC dad joke. So here's your three step formula for worry. You ready? I know I built this up, but here we go. Contemplate your worst case scenario. That's first thing when you start to worry, what's your worst case scenario? Worst. What is the most severe outcome? Just ask yourself, I'm worrying about this thing. What's the worst thing that could happen? Write it down and bring it into reality. See there, it's important that you write this down, that you just don't pop a Bud light and try to figure this out. No, you gotta write this down because there's a psycho neural connection to this thing that is so important. So when that old good old worry bus rolls on top of you, write down what is the worst thing that could happen and bring it into. Mental reality. So say for instance, I'm in this situation, I'm worried, what's the worst thing that can happen? I lose my job.'cause there's all kind of rumors of layoffs and it looks like they were hiring somebody the other day. It looks like they were interviewing somebody the other day. I tell you something, if you're worried about your job, then that is proof that you have stopped growing. So if you're worried about something, Better get with it. Somebody's always coming for your job. I welcome that. Somebody wants my job, come get it.'cause that means I'm elevated up. But in a worst case scenario, I. What's the worst thing that happen? Dude, I could lose my job. Alright, write that down. Second question. Now that you've written it down, this would be the worst thing that could happen. And maybe it's not so severe. I mean, 'cause worry has different levels. But let's just use the job situation'cause we all relate to that. Now you your second step, worst case scenario, embrace the acceptance and then ask yourself what's next? So instead of this, oh my God. And trying to resist it. Just embrace it. Acceptance doesn't mean like, oh well, doesn't mean like you just resigned to it. No, it just means acceptance is about being ready to face the possible outcome. Okay, I accept it. Now what? What's the next move? New game, new strategy. Because remember, if you have to start over, you're not starting from scratch. You're starting from experience, and you have to look at these things in these situations and saying, okay, what's the worst thing that could happen? I could lose my job. I. I accept that lost my job. What's next? Well, here's what I can do from here. Sometimes life is kicking you outta this complacency, outta this nest and saying, look, you need to get in a whole different field. And they just did you a favor. You may not see it right then and there doesn't mean you have to stay in your field. You can always come back to it if you need to. But use these situations in this mental role play. To try something new and don't necessarily, the, the default is everybody goes back to school and racks up 60 to a hundred thousand dollars of debt. They not necessarily go intern somewhere first. And then if you need a degree to do that, which most time you don't these days, then you can figure that part of it out, but don't add more stress to the situation. Embrace it and say, what's next? You can stay in your field or you can explore a new career path, or you can even relocate to another city. That's what's beautiful about this. Maybe this was your chance. You were only here in this town because you worked for this company and they just gave you the boot. They said, you're outta here. Let's move. Fuck it. Go. So this is a chance to start fresh in a new field or a new location. Now lemme tell you something. You start a new location. Don't think for one minute. Well, I'm starting in a new city, I'm gonna move to Houston and my life's gonna be fine.'cause there's a lot to do there. No, there's a lot of problems there too. So don't run from your problems. But if you're worried about, okay. I get fired. Okay. I got fired in my mental role play. What's next? Where are you going? I don't know. Well, do you, do you like the field you're in? You like the industry you're in? Do you like the location where you are? No. No? Okay. Well let's play this thing out. It's free. I. Just mentally role play. You don't know. It hasn't happened yet, man. Most of it's not gonna happen. But also it's just some preparedness, some readiness. So if it does happen, you're not down in Jagermeister hoping a bus runs you over. You've already mentally rehearsed this, and this may not be just a one night deal. This may be something. But what's important is, is that you don't just get locked up in this worry man, that you work these things through. Worry can be a great amplifier for you. Man. Sometimes it's just an awakening. Sometimes it's something you need to wrestle with. Where people go wrong is they worry, but they don't. They don't put any wood chop into it. They don't put any action to it. They just sit there and worry and they fester in it and they smoke and they drink and they eat and you just worry more and you just higher drunker. Fatter. I. Plus worrying more so, so don't, man. So what's the worst case scenario? And they all keep beating this up, but what's the worst case scenario? What's next? And the last part is how can I improve on the worst case scenario is where you put it into action. Tap into your network, get some insights from those. Who have maybe been in a similar situation like this who have been in your shoes? Surround yourself with people who can help you reframe the situation. Don't get around people who are gonna go down the shit hole with you. You can be like, oh man, that's fucked up, but here's what I would do. No, you need people in your life that are willing to reframe it. Meaning they say, yeah, this sucks, but here's another way for you to look at it. You don't want people that go down, look, I'm already down. I don't need other downers. I need somebody who says, yeah, marsh, you got complacent. Yeah, you got kicked in the balls on this one. What gonna do? Here's the way I see it. And listen to 'em. You don't have to heat it, you don't have to do it all, but at least freaking be open to it. Improve on that. That's why you gotta network and then plan your next move. I kind of chopped that up. So improve on your worst case scenario is where you put it into action. I'm re, I'm gonna redo this for you. You tap into your network, you get insights from those who have been in your shoes, you surround yourself. I. People who can help you reframe your situation. And when you're alone, you reframe the situation and then you plan your next move. And then whether this is a one-time situation or this keeps popping up, worry's always gonna be a part of your life, but do something with it. Don't let that thing just lock you up and mobilize you like you got a boot on your life. Pop that crap off, man. You just gotta rechannel it. Get proactive with it. Identify the worst case scenario, decide what's next, and then work to improve that scenario. Make it a catalyst for change. Don't make it a, a change that holds you down. Okay? It happens. I mean, you look at, I mean, think back to, you know, maybe in high school you were fired. I know I was fired from Kentucky Fried Chicken. I mean, I had, I, I went home, I got fired.'cause I was eating on the job. I didn't lose it. My life wasn't over at 15, shit happens. Kids can handle it.'cause they're like 14, 15 years old. They just go home and be like, well I lost that job. But sometimes as adults, man, we gotta act like kids. All right, I lost it. What now? And if I mentally prepare this, and I was already, 'cause dude, lemme tell you something. Rarely does life really blindside you. Rarely, there was a lot of signals that you just chose to ignore. So when you're worrying, the reason why you ignored it is because you were worrying. But now you got a three step formula. What's the worst thing that can happen? Okay, I accept that. What's next? And then how can I improve? On the worst case scenario, you just channel your Dale Carnegie by way of Willis h carrier, inner being, and turn that thing around. You're gonna be challenged, man. You're gonna have worry. What's your response to it? Not react. We just talked about that. What episode? Seven 80 or so about reactors versus responders. Be a responder. Work through the situation. Could be long, could be drawn out, could be painful, could be costly. Lot of good stuff on the other side. And through it. You gotta work through it. Don't run from it. Alright, like we always do, lemme leave you with a few self-reflective questions. I'm just gonna ask you a couple of them. There's more. If you want more, go to marsh bias.com, M a r ss h b u i c e.com. That's my name.com and uh, hit me up. Say, look bro, I need the whole list. This is your homework. I don't want you to get off these episodes and be like, well that felt good. That was nice. No, I want you to put these things into action. This is a working podcast. Okay? This is some homework that you gotta do. If you have any questions, hit me up. There's a, there's a microphone on bottom right on marsh vice.com. Leave me a voicemail, man. Now hit you back. R drop me an email. The sales life, the number1@gmail.com. The sales life, the number1@gmail.com. First question. Identify a specific worry that's been consuming, a significant part of your energy. What's draining you right now, man? What you worried about? Stop drinking it away. Stop smoking it. Stop eating it.'cause you're not solving it, you're just salacious in it. So what's draining your energy, man? And why? Why is it so troubling? It's probably troubling. Lemme feed you a little bit. It's probably troubling because you're not working through it. You're just hoping you just stay real still. You know when they call on somebody and you just stay real still, you hope you don't get chosen. That's what we do. We like freeze, hoping we don't get chosen. It's coming. So what's draining your energy? Why is he troubling you? Ask these. Ask these three questions. Second question, what's the absolute worst case scenario associated with this worry? Now, how does it make you feel? Acknowledge it, man. It's real. What do we talk about on, on every episode? Embracing certainty. Ly verse and be back. The complacency. Talk about this every episode. That's three things you're gonna deal with. Most of the time. You're gonna deal with 'em all at once. How do you handle it? How do you embrace it? What do you do with it? People are trying to avoid that at all costs, and those of you who rock out with sales life say, bring that shit on adversity. All right, I'm gonna handle it. Uncertainty. I don't know where this is gonna lead. All right, I'm gonna embrace that. I see it. That's what acceptance is. It's embracing complacency. Wanna ride the old comfort bus? Nope. I'll sit on the floor. Let's go. Nope, I ain't taking the elevator, taking the stairs. Let's go. Third question, now that you've identified the worst case scenario, what are you gonna do to prepare yourself to accept this situation? If it occurs, stop ignoring it. Stop calling boo boo the fool and ask, Hey man, what would you, what would you do in this? Hey man, can we go get a drink? Gotta be clearheaded about this man. If you work through this three step formula, it's really, I mean, when you, when you think about this, you are like, freak dude. All the times I've been worried and I could have just worked this through. What's the worst case scenario? Okay, I accept that. What's next and what can I do to improve from a worst case scenario? And most of the time it's not gonna be worst case. And you're gonna be like, let's go. This is what, this is how you earn your confidence. This is how you extend your self-belief. This is how you get grit. This is how you get courage. You don't back down, you don't bitch up. You just look at it and be like, got it. Worst case. Mm-hmm. Got it. What's next? How can I improve on it? Boom. Tell how unstoppable man you gonna be. Just unstoppable. And you're unstoppable because you come back to the Marsh Vice Podcast and you rock out with sales life and you zag while everybody else is zigging. Everybody's looking for the path of leash resistance, and you get on here, not that you want it, not that you want adversity, uncertainty, or complacency, but you're ready for it. You built for it, and this is why Do these episodes so that you're equipped, so that you're manned up. I'm ready to roll. If you want more on this, man, I can coach you up. It's three 50 a month with three month commitment, and that's what we're gonna do, man. I'm gonna coach you up, find out what your goals are, what's the thing that's holding you back. We'll work through this worry. Get you right man. Get you back on track. Three months. I hope you don't need me again. You wanna renew it again? Fuck. Let's go another three months. Whatever you need, we'll do it. We'll figure it out, or you'll figure it out. So I'm not gonna do it for you, but I'll show you where to look. I've been in some similar situations and I can give you the edge and the advantage that you need to get off this damn hamster wheel. So if you're interested in more of that, I can get you signed up. I've only got spots for 30 men. It's just 30. I don't have any more room for that. So after that cut off until somebody falls out, we'll go through it if you're willing to do the work. That's why I say it's three month commitment.'cause you're not gonna waste my time and I'm not gonna waste yours. And, and yes, it's gonna cost you 'cause that's the only way you're gonna pay attention is where the shit hurts. And if you'd rather eat it and smoke it and drink it, that three 50. Enjoy your life, you earned it. But if you're ready to start putting those things aside and change, make the investment. It's an investment. It don't cost. It's an investment. You gotta look at it like that. But I'm not here to convince you of that. You gotta convince yourself of that. Alright, so with that, remember, keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay amazing. If I can help you. Marsh vice.com. Thanks to all of those who have left reviews. These reviews, man, they inspire me, but they also inspire others to listen to the podcast episodes. There's millions of podcast episodes out there, and it's your words that they read that says, Hey, let me push play on this one. This guy just mentioned something about, this was his favorite episode, episode 6 82. Let me listen to it. I don't know what 6 82 was, but whatever it is, and they listen to it and you're like, bro, that's the one I needed. And then you just start Rabbit Hole and they start listening that to other episodes. And it's your words that created the change. That initiated the change for them to listen. Start thinking about it, equipping themselves to say, you know what? I'm tired of getting freaking run over. I'm ready to change. You did it. You did the damn thing. All right. I gotta get outta here. You do too. So peace.