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Dec. 29, 2022

739. 3 Ways Writing Has Amplified My Life.

739. 3 Ways Writing Has Amplified My Life.

Writing saved my life. Literally. I don't write about blue skies, rainbows, and unicorns, I write as to measure how far I've come and where I am going. 

Even if you never show your work to others, publish it to your heart. You'll never be the same. 

Thanks for listening. Connect with me & see my daily posts on Instagram @marshbuice. 

Watch this episode on YouTube. https://youtu.be/bORqcWc9wIM

Selling is more than a profession, it is a mindset you can apply to every area of your life to embrace uncertainty, handle adversity, and never settle again. Master 5 disciplines to be RFA: Ready For Anything. Go to marshbuice.com to start your coaching today.

Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. 


many times people say, I can't, I can't get my thoughts out. The reason being is because you don't push those thoughts. , the mechanism of really writing, physically writing actually pushes you to get those thoughts out. Welcome to the Sales Life. I'm your host, marsh B, sales is a profession, but selling is a mindset that you need in order to embrace uncertainty, handle the adversity, and never settle again. In my 20 plus years of the sales profession, I've developed five disciplines that I've applied to every area of my life, including personal and professional disasters, hurricanes shortages, recessions, obesity, homelessness, demotion, and suicidal thoughts. I beat 'em all. Be ready for anything and achieve everything with the sales life mentality. Get started with your coaching today@marshbuice.com I had a coworker last night on my way out. He's like, Marsh you right? Every day? I'm like, Yeah, I write every day and he can see it on my Instagram stories. If you haven't connected to me, go ahead and do so right there at Marsh b b u i c e on Instagram. so I said, yeah, I I have to, It's, it's so important to me. As you can see here, man, I have like three different, uh, notepads that I have, and I'll explain to you in a minute. You know what each one of 'em actually does, but writing is is super, super important. I believe that you should write every day pick a time every single day. That is A N M W. And no matter what, so no matter what, every single day, man, I'm gonna knock this thing out. And it's nothing that you have to do formally or anything like that. It's more so of just a discipline that you continue to practice. The times I pick are in the mornings. I pick the mornings because that is when I'm most fresh, if I wait till the end of the day, I'm tired and I don't want to give tired thoughts to my life. So writing is that lead domino for me that kicks off everything else. As a matter of fact, I do it before I do anything else is I bang those thoughts out on paper which is what these notepads are, some of these thoughts come right here onto the sales life. And then other times they're just random thoughts and it's just things that I can actually just free flow, uh, from there. Writing is so important because it creates a narrative. Every day, like, I can't go back and erase what happened yesterday, but I can add a new page to today and keep on writing. So even if yesterday was a fail, then what I can do is, is I can write new thoughts to bridge off of those things. So let me tell you a few things that I write about and hopefully you can apply these to your life. One topic that I may write about is what I learned today, w i l T. And I call 'em the wills. And what I learned today is, something that maybe I blew up, maybe I broke character, I, maybe I was short-tempered about something. Maybe I had some assumptions and it wasn't really the case. Maybe there were things that I should have done and haven't been doing, so, I'm calling myself out on those things. So that's, that's what I write about. What's important is, is, is that you write to get that expression, and there are many times where people say, I can't, I can't get my thoughts out. The reason being is because you don't push those thoughts. , the mechanism of really writing, physically writing actually pushes you to get those thoughts out. So set a timer for 30 minutes, 15 minutes, whatever you have, and try to try to exercise. Try to work that muscle, man. That's that mental muscle. Let me tell you something. When you start doing this, you practice this writing it actually, Makes you a better communicator because most people babble. They just blah, blah, blah, blah. They go on and on and on, and you're like, What the fuck we even talking about? Like we're so far off the subject. Because they finally get into this flow of thoughts and they just want to diarrhea all over the person that they're talking to with their thoughts. But if you begin to practice this every day of writing, then it's going to make you a more concise think. A clearer thinker and because you've been rehearsing these things, then you're able to think quicker as well. Super, super powerful. It seems so weird. Like, okay, I'm, I write about something and then I can instantly apply it to my life. Yeah. There's been many times, man, I've wrote about something, and. Then I come across something later that day that actually connects to what I just wrote about. It's crazy. But see, had I not written it, I wouldn't be able to connect the dots. Writing makes you more receptive to everything that's out there in life. It makes you more sensitive to everything. So that way you're able to grab these different. The second thing that I write about is I write about something that you read sometimes when you're in a funk, you have to borrow someone else's voice until you can find your own. When I was in my lowest of lows, man, I was bankrupt, I was demoted, I was broke. I had $11 and 18 cents in my account and I had $10,000 coming up in obligations that somehow, some way, man, I had to, I had to figure out how to muscle it up, and I had no lines of credit. All my credit cards were maxed out. So I was like, in this, in this whirlwind, I knew if I wrote about. And only that. I would just be a victim. So I had to borrow someone else's voice, from a book, and I had to write that out and I wrote it word for word, man. I didn't know where it was gonna lead. John Cabot Zen was one that I wrote like word for word and was, you know, just finding that zen-like state, that piece, because I had such inner turmoil at that time, and so I was trying to figure out how I could settle the waters. I didn't have the answers. I didn't have it. So what I did is, is I wrote word for word outta that book. Chapters of the I get up early in the morning, just write word for word for word, I didn't know where it was gonna lead, and I don't think I ever referenced back to it, but it seared in my soul. This is what's important too, the mechanism of writing versus typing. I don't. Because I feel there's a sense of censorship, and editing that goes on with that. Because I may say, Oh, I, I don't wanna talk about that, or I don't wanna go down that hole. Or I may, you know, misspell words or I messed the flow up. So this is why writing is so important, cuz it doesn't matter, man. It's, it's on a piece of paper. Some of the words. I can't ever, when I go back and read 'em, I can't even read 'em. I don't even know what the hell I even put there. I have to read around the words and then come back to 'em and say, Oh, I think that's what you mean. Or I have to just skip that word all together and, Well, that's . We're gonna, we're gonna strike that from the next podcast. What's important when you write is, is that you don't write just about your problems. I'm careful about that. I write more so about if I'm gonna lay a problem on the paper. Then I'm also gonna write out solutions too. because if you only write about your frustrations then I'm gonna stay in this perpetual state of anger and resentment and, entitlement and feel like I'm a victim and everybody else should be, you know, catering to me. No. If I'm gonna write about something, then it's gotta have a solution or an option of solutions. Sometimes I'm writing a letter to myself or I'm writing back to myself. So the initial letter that I'm writing is, Here's my frustrations, and then the letter back, which would be the answers, would be As if someone wrote me and I'm giving advice back to them. So that's something that, that I do as well. But pulling it all back in I'm not a big gratitude journal guy. I do believe in gratitude, but my gratitude is, being appreciative of the things that I've learned, being appreciative of the things that I've. That's my gratitude. This, I'm grateful for the butterflies and the blue skies like that don't do shit for me. But what I will do is, is I'll take something that I read and actually write that word for word that's an appreciation for the author, for putting in years of his hard work. And then I sit there and write it on paper. That's the biggest form of appreciation that I can have. And then the last thing that I write about is, this is what I call the muscle and bone method. And the muscle and bone method is, you know how, okay, so you have the bone and in order for that bone to move, you've gotta have muscles that go around that, right? The muscle and bone method is, is taking things that I learned and how they connect to my everyday. This is what makes you more receptive to life, because everything that you do out there is material. It's it's material that you like, Oh my God, I can use this, I can apply this to my life. This is what's going to make life more interesting for you and more spicy for you because you, you don't get into this. Same as lame because everything is a new experience. So through the Muscle and Bone method, I'm able to draw from all these colorful ideas, something I see on tv, something I'm having a conversation with, something that I read, something that I just, notice and I'm able to pick up on these things, conversations that I'm having with my wife or my, or my daughter. It's these things and it's like, Oh my God, this is how it applies to my. That is so important to me and that's what needs to be important to you. So my challenge is for you to write, take up writing doesn't mean that you have to publish it to the world. Recording my thoughts, keeps me accountable both in how I live, but also how I contribute. So it's necessary for me that I don't keep it within. I've been blessed with so many gifts of the ability to be able to tell stories and share. And so I don't sit on that gift. I actually give it out. But as I give out, More comes back to me also. That's just how life works. Start with just one page. There are days where that's all I get is one page. And sometimes, man, I'm like halfway down a page, see if I can find one. Okay. So like that. This is, just, it's just a. Jots there, and I didn't really have a lot that day, but I pushed myself. But see, here's another one that's just a half a page. And, and then I stopped. When I can't fill a full page, then I have to go to a different topics. Now, another thing that I do, Has helped me in my writing is I record my thoughts on my voice memo app. It is impossible for me to take time out all the time, whip out a piece of paper and write down. I used to do that. I used to carry a little spiral notebook, uh, and keep it in my back pocket and write those thoughts down. But sometimes when I'm driving, I have those thoughts and when I get to the next stop, I'm gonna forget 'em. And then sometimes I've written while going down the road and not looking at the paper, and now I can't even read it. So what I've developed is, the discipline to actually record my thoughts, voice memo record. So I'll record those thoughts, and then go back to 'em later. Like I showed my buddy yesterday when, when he asked me about my writing, I said, Dude, I have like 2000 voice memos that. Things that I've learned of material that I haven't even gotten to yet. I'll never run outta material. It's impossible cuz I'm probably adding five or six a day to that. Sometimes I'm running down the road, hear a thought in the podcast. I'm like, man, that makes perfect sense. And it's something that's applicable to my life. Sometimes I'm having conversations with customers are with employees and it just resonates. Man, it the good shit sticks and that's what I'm so, attentive to, is the things that I can actually use in my life and apply in my life, not to preach to others, to live it in, to put it in my life, and then that way I can share it with others as well. So hopefully this helps. Make sure that you start the discipline of writing and let me know how that.