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July 24, 2020

562. Past, Present, & Neutral

562. Past, Present, & Neutral

"I have a book recommendation for you," said my buddy Rich. "It Takes What It Takes. How to think neutrally & gain control of your life. " by Trevor Moawad. "Trust me, you'll love it," he promised. 

That I did...

The book is loaded with so much useful information, I didn't know where to start. So why not start with what neutral thinking is. "Neutral thinking is a high performance strategy that emphasizes judgement-free thinking especially in a crises and pressure situation," writes Moawad. 

We often play where our feet were not where our feet are. Neutral thinking stresses the importance that each situation is independent from the next one. Ever since I read this book, when I feel like I'm about to light someone up, I productively shift into "neutral thinking." I'm telling you, it's a superpower. 

Connect to Trevor on Twitter @TrevorMoawad & grab a copy of his book here. 

Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough.