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April 13, 2020

#468 Don’t wait for “the other side...”

#468 Don’t wait for “the other side...”

There are 3 types of salespeople right now:

1)Those who are waiting for the all clear in order to go back to work 2)Those who believe that things are going to be great “on the other side of this”

3)Those who get better now so when better comes they’re the best.

@ChaseJarvis author of "Creative Calling" was one of the best photographers in the world. His business doubled after the 2008 financial crises, because of what he was doing DURING the financial crises.

Don't wait for "the other side"

Get better now so when better comes you're already in full stride.

The competition is lean right now. Do opposite of the "most."

Working on your skills, techniques, content, marketing, connection, & reach will increase your capacity. When production is low, your capacity will shrink. (use it or lose it)

Even though the results won't immediately show, grow in effort. Block out 2-3 hours/day toward growth. I work on the TSL 2 hours before work every day-so when I get to work, I'm already mentally in stride. Initially it doesn't seem like much, but in a year's time I'm 619 hours of others by just initiating 120 minutes each day.

& you are creative :) Creativity is not a talent, it's a skill and you must exercise it every day.

Join The Sales Life Facebook group. (today's episode was filmed live at the same time I was recording the podcast)

Please help spread TSL. Share today's episode with one person who needs to hear today's message. Thumb a quick rating and share how TSL applies to your life so when others are shopping for podcasts, TSL is the one to listen to. I can't do it without you.

Never settle, keep selling.

Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/marshbuice/message

Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough.