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Feb. 28, 2020

#442 Make it till you make it

#442 Make it till you make it

"Fake it till you make it." I've said it and used it a million times. I get the phrase, but then again I guess I don't get it. "Fake it till you make it. " Be phony....a knockoff and somehow you'll arrive at the real deal.

Maybe "Make it till you make it," is a better strategy coined by Chase Jarvis' book, "Creative Calling." Make it till you make it means that it's your best.as of now, but you damn sure aren't done.

Today's episode nuggets (fries optional):

  • We don't want to be battle tested in life only quizzed, but you have do battle to reach the big time.
  • Your definition of "made it" is colored by your past and present conditions. You have no idea how big your "made it" can be. (Ask The Rock Dwayne Johnson)
  • Ask how someone is doing today and they'll say, "I'm making it." The tone means they're hanging in there. You can say the words, I just need you to use a different, determined tone. "I'm making it," is a more purposeful direction.
  • "Made it" is hardened. "Making it" is clay on a potter's wheel-always sculpting and bettering. Never be made...always be making.
  • Life always says, "You first."
  • You won't have success until you do Suckkkcess. K= reps K= Knowledge K= Keep going
  • Fail a lot to succeed a little. Success is a game of inches but it takes miles of effort.
  • Made it= deadly destination Making it= an evolution
  • You need a body of work. Pages become chapters. Chapters become volumes.

Final thoughts: I hope you never make it, but I do hope you forever keep making it.

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Connect with me on Twitter, IG, TickTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube @marshbuice.

Grab Chase Jarvis' book Creative Calling.

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Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough.