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Daily Devotional

April 10, 2024

The Power of Curiosity in Sales: A Guide to Productive Persistence

In the dynamic world of sales, the line between being pushy and being persistent can often blur, leading to a common dilemma among salespeople. The fear of coming off as too pushy can result in overcorrection, ultimately causing missed opportunities…

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April 9, 2024

The Netflix Philosophy: How 'Nobody Knows Anything' Fuels Success

In the vast expanse of possibilities where dreams float like dandelion seeds in the wind, there lies a truth so profound yet so simple that it's often overlooked: Nobody knows anything. This isn't just a statement; it's a revelation, a key to unlock…

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April 8, 2024

The Art of Overcoming: A Father-Daughter Dialogue on Resilience, Persistence, and Learning

Hello, dear readers, In the latest episode of "What's Your Problem?", we ventured into a conversation that was not just close to my heart but packed with insights and reflections. It was a special episode because my guest was none other than my dau…

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April 1, 2024

The Currency Of Progress: Making Daily Payments Towards Your Dreams

In the economy of personal growth and achievement, our efforts are the currency. Each task we complete, each challenge we face, and every single day we decide to push forward, we're making a 'payment' towards the future we dream of. It's a concept t…

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Feb. 29, 2024

Mastering the Art of Sales with the "Parrot and Pick" Technique

In the high-stakes world of sales, the ability to navigate customer objections with finesse can set you apart from the competition. One innovative strategy I've found particularly effective is the "Parrot and Pick" technique. This approach helps p…

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Feb. 18, 2024

Control What You Can. Manage What You Can't.

In life's journey, we often find ourselves caught in the whirlwind of events and circumstances beyond our control. The essence of living a fulfilling life doesn't lie in the ability to control everything but in mastering the art of managing the unco…

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Feb. 13, 2024

The Power of the Alter Ego: Harnessing Resilience in the Face of Adversity

In the pages of David Goggins' enlightening book, a particular narrative struck a chord with me, shedding light on the often overlooked aspect of human resilience in the face of adversity. Goggins writes about the common scenario where individuals f…

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Feb. 12, 2024

Embracing Curiosity Over Quitting: A Lesson from Annie Duke's "Quit"

Today, my morning "random reading" led me to a profound chapter in Annie Duke's book, "Quit," sparking an introspection on the nature of quitting and the power of curiosity. Duke argues that quitting isn't always a choice we freely make; sometimes, …

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Feb. 10, 2024

Winning the War Within: A Guide to Overcoming Personal Battles

In a world where challenges confront us daily, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the personal battles we face. Dr. Joe Dispenza's insight that the hardest part of any war is the last battle offers a profound perspective on overcoming these challenges…

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Feb. 8, 2024

The Power of Reaching a Point of No Return in Personal Transformation

Welcome to My World of Change  When it comes to initiating change in our lives, we often start with a spark—a desire to improve, to shift, to grow. For me, it was the decision to get fit, but this isn't just about physical fitness. It's …

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